Sunday, March 28, 2021

How Much Is That Doggie...?

How much is the doggie worth indeed? Not much, if you go by his 'family' who kindly dumped him off at the animal shelter yesterday, without the slightest qualm. The poor dog was quivering and wimpering as if sensing what awaited him, whilst the owners just turned heel and left. Oh, but did manage to utter a witty 'Au revoir, le chien' as they did so. How drole. And the reason for this special treatment of Man's Best Friend? "He sometimes cries in his sleep". I don't know what made me cry more - the poor dog's distress - or the base behaviour of certain humans. I am sure that this lovely animal will soon be adopted by people worthy of being a pet-owner; not sure if anything could save the original owners from their rot...

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