Saturday, November 30, 2019

Calm White....

This has been a busy month, weighed down with many mundane, humdrum, mind-numbingly dull routine tasks and obligations. Business as usual, I suppose. Nevertheless, there were a few bright moments that lit up the past weeks - just no time to talk about those right now! So for calm of the spirit and comfort for the eyes - some beautiful petals and plant clusters that I loved from earlier months in order to mark the end of this one....
Each month has its beauty and charm - sunlight and warmth of the summer immediately win us over, but the winter has its own elegance and mystery - I'm now off to look at the fog that promises to veil the old town centre.

Obviously there are few flowering plants in the winter months, but the exception is the Hellebore with its modest head bent modestly downward, or otherwise raised defiantly!

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