Friday, November 20, 2015

In our thoughts...

I went to the cathedral last night for the peaceful atmosphere I knew I would find there.
This has been a long week for everyone here, with a great deal sadness over what has happened and what this will mean, not just for the people in France but everywhere, all over the world. Two of the victims came from the school, so the horror of the situation really hit hard, and yet is still so difficult to absorb.

Jeanne d'Arc - Greg Tricker
The stained glass piece above was part of an exhibition in the cathedral and is the work of the British sculptor, Greg Tricker. Inspired by Jeanne d'Arc for her "communion with the angelic realms" he has produced many works that provide comfort in the "Godless age" in which we live. His pieces - sculpted, painted or stained glass - are often accompanied by the music of composer John Tavener.

Perhaps we have lost our spiritual direction in these times; but maybe losing sight of what is sacred in Life itself is far worse .

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