Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Burnt Orange and Hairy Beasts...

As I still haven't liquidated my stock of beads, I thought I'd make another hanging, but this time use different shades of orange. I always think of orange as a colour that I don't immediately like, but in fact I've realised that I do.  Once it leaves the brash, bright tones, and goes closer to the earth colours or is placed next to contrasting colours, it is beautiful. So I've been busy painting the wooden beads to get the shades that I want. This, of course, with a little help from at least one of my resident hairy helpers - the cats.

As it always the case I think, once you're working on something, anything in fact, you start to notice similar things. I came across these fine beasts yesterday, though they're more of a russet colour than orange...

They appeared to be totally unfazed by human presence, and utterly uninterested. Nevertheless, the large, very imposing male looked as if he'd take no 'bull....' from anybody or anything.

I certainly wasn't inclined to climb over the fence to get any close-ups, however tempting that seemed.

Well, back to the beads.

Work in progress...

Although I really have thought nothing could possibly ever incite me to truly appreciate yellow, I did see this lichen on branches, so who knows...

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