Monday, January 27, 2014

Marigolds in winter...

Marigolds in winter...
Trudging to work the other day I saw a bright orange-and-yellow cluster of marigolds in a park of winter colours; green, brown, black. I certainly did not expect to see such rich colours in the grey light of January and was yet again amazed at the resilience and beauty of nature. Today I ventured out in the wind and rain and crossed the (very) muddy grass to admire these determined flowers. They were set against a backcloth of high-rise flats, busy roads and a tram line. However, this is the same place where I came across delicate chalk blue butterflies and vivid orange copper butterflies in the autumn. 

Sometimes it's good not to see the wood for the trees! 

Marigolds - 1918 - (Fairies and Fuseliers) Robert Graves 1895-1985.
With a fork drive Nature out,
She will ever yet return;
Hedge the flowerbed all about,
Pull or stab or cut or burn,
She will ever yet return.

Look: the constant marigold
Springs again from hidden roots.
Baffled gardener, you behold
New beginnings and new shoots
Spring again from hidden roots.
Pull or stab or cut or burn,
They will ever yet return.

Gardener, cursing at the weed,
Ere you curse it further, say:
Who but you planted the seed
In my fertile heart, one day?
Ere you curse me further, say!
New beginnings and new shoots
Spring again from hidden roots.
Pull or stab or cut or burn,
Love must ever yet return.

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