Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spitting ice...

The snow came back again last week, followed closely by the bright sun. The facettes of the central stained glass window on the cathedral reflected all the light so that they looked like molten lead...

 And as everything thawed, the gargoyles began decoratively spitting ice.

The leadened gargoyle, pictured above, was just as mean in behaviour as appearance, as it spat down its icy load near my feet literally the second I took out the camera . I was lucky it didn't crown me!

 Whilst from dizzying heights water was dripping down...

 And freezing again...

Meanwhile, the chimeras looked on haughtily, indifferent to the human scrabblings below...

 Back down on humble ground level, dripping water created weird ectoplasm that was worthy of something from Doctor Who!

And as the sun started to go down, and the shadows crept over the cathedral again, some of the gargoyles took on a sinister aspect...

 But some forms looked a little more friendly...

Even if this particular snowman was the smallest one I'd ever seen!


  1. What beautiful photographs. I love religious buildings anyway and with the added icicles, it's just lovely.

  2. Thanks! I think I appreciate religious buildings (and other kinds too) all the more as I get older. I saw fantastic churchyards in Birmingham last year - I've still got to do the blog about it - really atmospheric tombstones!


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