Thursday, July 30, 2015

Silver and Grey Skies...

One of the best things about returning to Cornwall is the chance to go for early morning walks again. Whatever the weather, the views are so spectacular with the dramatic, 'big' skies that I never tire of, the proof of which being similar photos each year! So here are a few from this last visit...

Virtually all the traces of the storm damage from February 2014 have been removed. This is no mean feat as large parts of the promenade leading to Newlyn had been devastated and required extensive repair work and/or complete reconstruction.

From Newlyn harbour, Penzance is visible in the distance, with greater or lesser clarity. The resolute outline of St Mary's church stands out on the horizon, regardless of the elements just as it did at the time of Norman Garstin's painting of the town, The Rain it Raineth Every Day (1889).

In the bay is the imposing form of St Michael's Mount; just beautiful, whether the skies are steely grey...

Or bright...

Or clear...

Though often shrouded by mist and clouds...

Or completely obscured!

A morning's drenching in the drizzle may leave you very bedraggled...

However, that doesn't mean the weather won't change later in the day; here's an afternoon view off Smeaton's Pier in St Ives...

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