Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Holly and the Ivy...

Not actually holly, but beautiful nevertheless...

                                                             The holly and the ivy,
                                                             When they are both full grown
                                                             Of all the trees that are in the wood
                                                             The holly bears the crown. 

 I love the contrast of bright red berries and vibrant green of evergreens, typical of the holly. With its symbolic origins in Pagan and Christian faith the holly is synonymous with Christmas and its image is, of course, intertwined with that of ivy. Together they are traditionally said to represent evergreen hope throughout the dormant or 'dead' months of the year before spring starts to open the door to burgeoning new life.
Ivy and clematits (in Canterbury!).

 Over the last few weeks the snow has clothed the city landscapes, but evergreen colours keep appearing ....
Reims cathedral.
Blood red and warm orange defying the icy temperatures...
Physalis - L'amour en cage - lanterns in the garden.
Whilst rich green leaves contrast the dark, stark branches of the trees you can find evergreen and verdigris all round the city...

Beyond all of this, from time to time, there have been bright blue skies....

Reims cathedral.

The sun starts to break through and then the snow begins to clear... The ice melts to create its own cathedrals of inverted spires and dripping gargoyles...

Here's a link to enable you to listen to The Holly and the Ivy sung by Winchester Cathedral choir.

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