Thursday, February 5, 2015

Wooden Bead Fest/Feast...

I've finally finished my wooden-bead wall hanging, destined to hide the central heating pipes in the corner of the room, or or at least draw attention away from them. Well, that's the theory anyway... Here it is (above) on the radiator, and draped over my wooden screen (below), before being hung up in its rightful place...
As some of the beads are quite large, and the finished item is rather long, the final wall hanging is fairly heavy. It was like suspending a weighty python, ready to come crashing down so I do hope it won't fall off the curtain rail as the cats' chairs are positioned just below!
Initially, the idea was also to use up some of the huge stock of beads that I've accumulated over the years, but this latest project doesn't seem to have had much of an impact on those reserves. In fact, it made me realise that I'd like to make yet another...
Here it is again, next to an orange/blue hanging I made several years ago... I originally got the idea of painting up wood following a trip to Marrakesh, where all types of antique beads were sold, but at a high price (in spite of my attempts at haggling!). So I decided that I'd make my own and try to 'age' them, or give them a bit of character one way or another...
Well, these are the wooden beads, I haven't even mentioned the impressive stash of glass ones that I have hoarded away under the bed, or what I've been doing with those recently... Bead fest/bead feast!

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