Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Webs of Frost...

I never encounter spiders anymore - I used to love seeing their webs that always become so visible in the morning dew in early autumn.

Seeing a beautiful collection of frosted webs in the bright light of a freezing Monday morning was magical, and extended the holiday atmosphere a bit longer - quite a feat as I was going back to work, and dreading it!

I don't know if these are actually old cobwebs, or recent ones, but the weight of the ice will eventually cause them to disintegrate, I imagine. The soggy, tatty old-man's beard took on another aspect too - all crisp and elegant. Leaves were beaded with frost...

Whilst the stark, frosted branches brought out the various colours of berries, hips and leaves even more dramatically...

Or just seemed to outline the delicate, skeletal structure beneath...

The carpet of leaves was bordered with tiny icy fringes...

But I couldn't keep my eyes off those webs - I'd love to see them when the ice melts and leaves all those droplets...

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