Monday, February 9, 2015

Amazing Mazes of the Labyrinth Master...

Well, I wrote a post a few years ago, about labyrinths and mentioned my son's art, wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how he could develop these. That resulted in the Resounding Sound of Silence... Nothing new there, then!

However, as I told him at the time, and have ever since, that silence shouldn't silence you or stop you listening to the voice of creativity - or whatever you want to call it.

So here are a few more of his Amazing Mazes. These are usually created with pencil (and remarkably few erasers) but are always fully 'functional', with a genuine beginning and end that simply have to be linked up!

There are a few others, like the first one here, that are computer-generated or part of the gaming world (Hello Minecraft...). I think my favourites are the pen-and-pencil ones; these often shrink to miniscule proportions. They are carried out in stages...

First section...

Second section...


In the final version, you can make out the intricate lines and forms that all 'work', leading you around and around a labyrinth of forms from A to B, quite literally...

He usually incorporates names into his designs....

And has often created these for friends....but now would be happy to carry out any commissions...


  1. Hello my name is Matthew Prater and I am also a fellow maze artist, I am known as the Maze-Man . Your Son have a very unique Maze Art Style and his development can always improve, my maze drawing always improve everyday. He makes the path very tight and skinny to each other. this technique makes the maze more difficult to solve which is based on how close each maze wall is close together which will give more room to put forth more maze paths. the wider the maze walls are away from each other the , thus there well be no room to create more pathways. However the pathways will be few and easy to solve. I like his path art designs as well as the Names he incorporates into his mazes. I been drawing art mazes since I was 13, now I am 33. Here are a few links to the sources of my hand drawn solvable maze art . One source is a Facebook Page and the other is a website . Here are the links, and if you want contact me, I have developed a community where there are a lot of Maze Artists in this group. Perhaps it will be healthy for him to develop in his Maze Drawing Skills if he joined this Maze Artists Community. and

  2. Thank you very much for your comments - I'll send this onto my son, who will be very happy to read them. I'm sure he'll be contact with you very soon! Thanks again...


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