Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Oh England, My Lionheart...

Foxgloves in the rain - Kensington Gardens
 They say the grass is always greener on the other side, but when I'm in England I don't particularly want to come back to France. This is mainly because I just can't face the music. The music in question accompanies the deadly dance of all aspects of divorce proceedings and is far from harmonious. These final steps in this particular pas de deux  are purely over money - filthy lucre indeed. I would love to purify myself after today's session; lose myself on a long walk in a big park, or along a coastline, but failing that I'll settle for a bath and a piece of music that always seems to have been in the background over the last seven years. Kate Bush's Oh England has such a beautifully calming effect...

 I sometimes think that I must have broken quite a sizeable mirror at some stage to account for those years, but at least this is now real life and not a collection of illusions, and there have been many, many bright moments too. Nevertheless, during brief periods I do still wish that I could be little again and fly off to escape the ugliness, in Peter Pan style. Today, for example!

Peter Pan in the rain - Kensington Gardens - London
 Oh England, my Lionheart,
I'm in your garden, fading fast in your arms.
The soldiers soften, the war is over.
The air raid shelters are blooming clover.
Flapping umbrellas fill the lanes--
My London Bridge in rain again.

Oh England, my Lionheart!
Peter Pan steals the kids in Kensington Park.
You read me Shakespeare on the rolling Thames--
That old river poet that never, ever ends.
Our thumping hearts hold the ravens in,
And keep the tower from tumbling.
Oh England, my Lionheart,
Oh England, my Lionheart,
Oh England, my Lionheart,
I don't want to go.

Oh England, my Lionheart!
Dropped from my black Spitfire to my funeral barge.
Give me one kiss in apple-blossom.
Give me one wish, and I'd be wassailing
In the orchard, my English rose,
Or with my shepherd, who'll bring me home.

Oh England, my Lionheart,
Oh England, my Lionheart,
Oh England, my Lionheart,
I don't want to go.
Oh England, my Lionheart,
Oh England, my Lionheart,
Oh England, my Lionheart,
I don't want to go.
Towards  Penzance (Cornwall) - This rainy morning walk seems like a dream now..


  1. When everything is over are you able to come back? I'll have to listen to that song. I hope everying works out x

  2. I'd never heard or seen Kate Bush sing this song before and it was lovely, so thank you for posting it. Kate Bush is one of those people I've always meant to investigate more and have never got round to it but you've made me want to try and do it now. I know what you mean about wanting to be little again sometimes, I often feel like that too.xx


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