Friday, September 30, 2022

Harvest Season...

Hmmm, here we are at the very end of September and the only thing that I seem to be 'harvesting' is a rather impressive and daunting backlog of work, tasks and undertakings of all kinds...
Nevertheless, the evenings are unmistakably drawing in, making the home interiors seem a little more inviting as the colours grow softer and earthy.
Whilst the autumn sunlight manages to break through the heavier skies, the insane temperatures still being reached just a month ago are since long-gone and the leaves on the trees are slowly but surely starting to litter the ground.
I trust that this will favourise a flurry of activity on my part, especially as I have acquired an antique desk from which to work and will no longer have to rely on my bed as a makeshift office space ! However, given the rather cold evenings and lack of heating the latter still has its appeal.

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