Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Brumes et Pluie... Baudelaire

Spring is finally here and the bright afternoon sun and relatively warm temperature certainly reflect this right now. However, the early morning shows a more mysterious, murky side...  I went out around the cathedral today to see the eerie effects of the mist around the towers and spires before they disappeared, literally into thin air...

The mist gradually lifting and blue skies emerging...

                                                       Brumes et Pluie - Charles Baudelaire
                                         Ô fins d'automne, hivers, printemps trempés de boue,
                                         Endormeuses saisons ! je vous aime et vous loue
                                         D'envelopper ainsi mon coeur et mon cerveau
                                         D'un linceul vaporeux et d'un vague tombeau.

                                        Dans cette grande plaine où l'autan froid se joue,
                                        Où par les longues nuits la girouette s'enroue,
                                        Mon âme mieux qu'au temps du tiède renouveau
                                        Ouvrira largement ses ailes de corbeau.

                                        Rien n'est plus doux au coeur plein de choses funèbres,
                                        Et sur qui dès longtemps descendent les frimas,
                                        Ô blafardes saisons, reines de nos climats,

                                        Que l'aspect permanent de vos pâles ténèbres,
                                        Si ce n'est, par un soir sans lune, deux à deux,

                                        D'endormir la douleur sur un lit hasardeux.
Milky blue skies....
Jeanne d'Arc fighting against all adversities...
Reminiscent of the stone angels in Doctor Who...
I'm thinking of going to see Woman in Black for a dose of misty atmospheric England, even though I haven't heard any good reviews of the film...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, very atmospheric.

    I went to see the woman in black as I'm a big fan of the book, I didn't expect to be scared but was. At the very least it's tense! Plus the Hammer logo which runs through a load of their 60s artwork at the beginning is very cool


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