Monday, January 23, 2023

Sunrise and Sea...

Whenever 'home', I instinctively know that whatever the weather, the view over Mount's Bay will be so spectacular that I am beauty-bound to walk along the path over to Marazion to see St Michael's Mount, or at least the Causeway leading across...
And indeed, just as these incredible atmospheric seascapes never fail, nor do the extremes in weather! Blustery wind of varying force, from playful gusts to the tyrannical gales, mean that any umbrella will be snatched away, upturned and ineffectual against any rain.
However, on this latest visit, the sun was out at the very start of this new year and the light flooded across the bay and beach, just as the waves gently washed over the beautiful old granite slabs that make up that incredible causeway.
And as the tide went out, and the sun rose further, the shadows shifted, stretching and spreading, sending out ghostly silhouettes which somehow seemed appropriate as once I had left 'home' again, to return to where I now live, the whole trip seemed like a dream!

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