Sunday, March 28, 2021

Crochet Away...

Still rows and rows of hexagones to crochet, but the work is slowly taking form. 'Slowly' is indeed, very definitely, the operative word here. I have been busy with this for over a year and a half, but as I no longer travel by tram, or indeed travel anywhere for that matter, I have lost quite a lot of valuable crochet time.
This will eventually be a rather large wall-hanging yet for most of its existence so far, it has been a growing bundled mass that resides on the bed, generally used as a sleeping area for one of the cats. Not sure what it is about wool - even in its most synthetic form - it just draws in the felines! She is in no hurry for this to be completed and hung on the wall! But just guess who really doesn't like having her photo taken, with or without her woolly surroundings...

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