Monday, November 30, 2020

First Frost For The Last of The Month...

The bracing cold night air of the final days of the November caught everybody's breath, as did the sight of the beautiful cathedral standing majestically ahead, with the bright moon beyond it.
Sadly I have never been able to do any photographic justice to any of the eight phases of the moon, as it waxes and wanes each month but the magic of the original sight is there in my mind's eye at least...
The stonework looked like a backcloth of lace in the illuminations that have now brightened up the town, in preparation of Christmas, as the last autumn leaves cling onto the trees...
Then for the early morning of the very last day of the month, frost had decorated everything with its own lacy designs - my favourite of these being the beads of ice on spiders' webs.
The icy threads of silk hung down, in impressive proportions, magically draped from lamps and sign posts, thankfully distracting my gaze from the bland urban landscape beyond. If that is not magic, I don't know what is!


  1. vous êtes tellement douée pour saisir des choses si magnifiquement evanescentes ! ÊTES VOUS UN FANTÔME ? G.

  2. Il y aurait des avantages! Pas limitée dans le temps ni dans l'espace - je passerais partout! Xx


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