Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Purple - again...

End of the month, and no time to write anything... This seems to have become more than a passing trend, and whilst time ticks along at the usual pace, 
I seem to be doing less and less in absolutely every area of life - except work.
 I have to find a way out of this particular set-up and state of affairs.
But in the meantime....

Since the rabbit has taken residence at home, I have been making time to go to the garden centre each Sunday to stock up on bunny-adapted supplies. Well, that's my official excuse to look at the array of plants and animals there.

I saw these beautiful cabbage leaves - sold as floral decoration - a few months ago, and kept them in my mind's eye.

Even the humblest of vegetable can be a source of aesthetic wonder!

Even if the more obvious forms initially catch our attention, each has its own beauty.

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