Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Linear Cathedral...

Despite the sunlight pouring onto the flowers in the last post, the weather here has been incredibly wet! Everything seems to be dripping, spitting or spouting water - not least of all the gargoyles on the cathedral. However, it was the beautiful linear effect of the scaffolding on the eastern end of the edifice that caught my attention.

Like strange branches of a tree, the shoots of a creeper or the vast web of a crazed spider, this intricate mass of lines has enveloped the architectural structure below, forming its own pattern, whilst highlighting the beauty of the forms of the cathedral too. The overall impression of cascading lines that underline the cathedral's calm and composure reminded me precisely of the stained-glass windows inside, of the  Atelier Simon-Marq.

These I just love...

Detail - vitraux de Brigitte Simon 

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