Sunday, January 19, 2025

Teasels and Frost...

The teasel must be one of those plants that look striking whatever the period of the year, but perhaps even more so in the winter months. With their sculptural silhouette of long spiny stems, they stand on the edges of fields or on wasteland, proud and aloof. Their stark, spiky bracts curve up around the head - the inflorescence - elegantly crowning its top.
All of this was magnified by the thin dusting of frost that still clung on later in the day, making everything seem a little more magical...
Equally elegant was the spindly, frosted cow parsley that looked like tattered lace, draped with slivers of icy spiders' webs and frozen droplets. For all the magic, the temperature was a harsh snap into reality and I couldn't wait to get home into the warmth!